A drunk and hungry Russian man arbitrarily treated himself to food from a street vendor’s stall and spoilt the finished dishes, causing outrage among Phuket residents.

On the popular tourist island of Phuket, an unpleasant incident involved an inebriated Russian citizen whose actions caused outrage among locals and social media users. According to Khao Phuket, a drunk Russian tourist was caught eating ready-to-eat food from a local street vendor’s cart without permission or payment.

The incident occurred on the evening of 11 July on the busy Sai Kor Street, known for its nightlife. Abdullah Roti, the owner of the mobile eatery, had briefly stepped away to shower and offer prayers. During this time, he received a call from a friend informing him that a foreigner was unauthorisedly eating from his trolley.

When Abdullah returned, he found a heavily intoxicated Russian man scooping various rice and curry dishes with a ladle prepared for sale during the evening. Despite comments and outrage from passers-by and the owner himself, who condemned his antisocial behaviour, the man continued to eat, completely ignoring those around him.

Abdullah explained to the offender in English that the food was not free and had to be paid for, but got no response. Even the threat to call the police did not stop the Russian tourist, who, according to the cart owner, continued eating ‘without any concern for what was going on around him.’

Eventually, Abdullah called the Patong police, who soon arrived on the scene and escorted the drunk Russian to the police station. The trolley owner followed them, expressing his anger and disappointment at what had happened and demanding 30,000 baht in damages.

‘In more than 20 years of work, I have never encountered such a situation,‘ Abdullah told reporters. “Such foreigners don’t listen and misbehave. I am very disappointed.”

Abdullah said the problem was that the irresponsible Russian tourist ate without paying and that the incident ruined the rest of the food. ‘I had chicken curry, prawns, clams, crabs, fish, roti and other dishes I had prepared for sale. Now it is impossible to serve them to other customers. Hygiene is essential to me and my customers,’ he explained.

The video of the incident quickly went viral on social media, sparking a wave of criticism against the Russian. Some commentators even suggested that Abdullah hit the offender with a spoon to stop him.

The situation had not yet been fully resolved at the time of publication. To resolve the conflict, Abdullah and the Russians are due to meet today at the Patong police station. Police have not revealed the offender’s identity, nor have they specified whether he is a tourist or an expat living in Phuket.

The incident reminds us of the importance of respecting local customs and laws when visiting other countries. Thailand is famous for its street food, an integral part of the local culture. However, it is important to remember that this is a business and not a free treat for tourists.

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