A 15-year-old schoolgirl stepped on a grate from a sewer well and fell through the cover, sustaining several leg injuries. The incident occurred in Sri Racha district in Chonburi and prompted an urgent response from the Sawang Prateep Sri Racha rescue unit.

The rescue unit arrived smoothly at the scene in front of the JJ Steak shop and found a 15-year-old schoolgirl with her leg trapped in the broken grate.

The student could not free herself, while her father stood beside her and tried to comfort her. The rescue team immediately sprang into action and used hydrological tools to pull out the student’s leg, which took about five minutes. She had suffered minor abrasions and cuts on her right leg due to friction with the cover.

The student explained that she stepped on the grate when it gave way due to her weight. The pain was intense, and she screamed for help, alerting nearby residents who called rescue workers and her father for help.

After her leg was freed, the rescue team provided first aid to the student before transporting her to a nearby hospital for further medical treatment.

The student expressed gratitude to the rescuers for their quick action and urged the relevant authorities to address the situation to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

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